مستربچ ضد حریق

Flame Retardant polymers

This compound is produced in two ways, halogenated and non-halogenated. In a halogenated flame retardant compound, the halogen fraction begins to decompose in the presence of a flame, resulting in…
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Engineering Compound

Engineering plastics, can be used for the most demanding applications in terms of mechanical strength, heat resistance and resistance to…
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Reinforced compound

Reinforced compounds are thermoplastic polymers which are modified with glass or carbon fibres, with loadings up to 60% by weight.…

Filled Compound

Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is one of the most popular mineral fillers used in the plastics industry. It is widely available…

Carbonate Masterbatch

Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is one of the most popular mineral fillers used in the plastics industry. It is widely available…

White Masterbatch

White Masterbatch are made from high-quality, micronized Titanium Dioxide, as well as a particular base resin and additive, for maximum applicability…